
Showing posts from June, 2011

Gwen's Plan for July 2011

Gwen's Plan for July 2011 Well, I just read the last updates I had posted a while ago, things have not changed that much. But I am easing back to work slowly NOT! They said I can get as many hours I want with out going over 40 a week. So I hope and plan to get 40 for the next few weeks. We have slipped behind on a few bills and I am not comfortable with it at all. So I need to put on my big girl panties and deal with it. I need a plan so here it is. No dryer use NO food waste No extra trips to town or any where else. DH and I will be working completely different shifts so it is going to be a challenge to keep in on the same page. He agrees we need to get all the bills currents asap though. I am going back to work on July 1 cleaning dorm rooms, which I just hate but I have to do it. Then once the college kids come back I will be back to baking, which I love. I am still getting my 25 hours a month for the township cleaning also. I will update a...

Happy Father's day!

Happy Father's day to all dads today. I am going out of town for the week. I will be back next Monday with a Menu. Have a good week everyone.

Menu Monday 6-13-2011

Today my small bitty community buried an American Hero. He was one of the five killed last week in Afghanistan. There was such support for this young man that gave his life in the line of duty, protecting every American citizen. This week is going to be simple dinner due to a very busy week. Monday - Ceasar salad with pizza. Tuesday - Hot Dogs with side toss salad Wednesday - Steak, baked tater with steamed green beans. Thursday - Not sure yet. Friday - burgers on the grill. Not sure what the weekend holds just yet. for more menus go to

Store Brand Baby Formula Wins a Final Round in Court

This is a Sponsored post written by me on behalf of . All opinions are 100% mine. I have been researching store brand formulas vs. the expensive name brand formulas. My niece has an infant and is a single mother; I try to help her out with deals and coupons when I am able too. I bought some store brand formula for her and she rejected it saying it was not as 'good' as Enfamil. So that set my brain in to gear to find out if that was true or not. I am a mother of two children who I breastfed exclusively so I had a lot to learn. Store brand infant formulas won a major victory this week when a U.S. Circuit Court upheld a $13.5 million false advertising claim against Enfamil maker Mead Johnson. The case centered on the successful argument by PBM Products, Perrigo’s store brand infant formula business, that Enfamil’s advertisements of superiority to store brand formulas were false and misleading because store brand formulas offer the same nutrients at ...

Tuesday's Smashing Spring Blog Hop

Thank you to for hosting Tuesday's Smashing Spring Blog Hop

In the Mood for Something Sweet, but TOO Hot to Bake

All of the men in my life have a sweet tooth, and loving to bake, normally that is not a challenge. But this week it has been so warm, I am not willing to turn on the oven, only to heat up the house more. So I went researching for something sweet that did not require the oven to make. I found a yummy sounding recipe for peanut brittle. I found this recipe on EASY PEANUT BRITTLE 2 c. sugar 1 c. white Karo syrup 1/2 c. water 2 c. raw peanuts 1 tsp. vanilla 1 tsp. soda Cook sugar, syrup, and water until it spins a thread. Add peanuts and cook until peanuts pop open and mixture turns a golden brown. Remove from fire, add vanilla and soda. Pour into 2 buttered pans, about 9x13 inches. This is the final results and everyone in my house gave the recipe a thumbs up. Truth be told, there was none left the next day for my husband's lunch box treats. We will be using this recipe again.

Sunny Saturday givaway winner announced

Sunny Saturday giveaway winner announced, finally! Sorry I have kept you all suspense so long. The winner is.......... Marilyn's Money said... Love to win, my fav color purple! June 1, 2011 2:14 PM Congratulations Marilyn!! Thanks to everyone who entered, don't be a stranger now. Come back soon.

Works for me Wednesday, June 1.

This is going to be a mix-mash of topic type of post. First and foremost, I am thrilled to see so many have entered for my giveaway that will be closed at 11:59 EST time today. Also, I am challenging my two sons to be active this summer. We did the 100 mile club, that the county 4H sponsors about 3 years ago with HUGE success. I am going by what worked for us that time, we committed to move 30 miles each month. That way we could reach our goal of 100 miles before school starts in the fall. We started today, I am happy that we walked 1.5 miles. I also took advantage of some very lovely spring surrounding and took 98 photos, before they claimed it was over. so here are some of those photos. I don't usually like photos taken of myself, but I figure I need to get over it. so it works for me Wednesday.