2021 Phrase of the Year - Mid Year Update

 At the beginning of 2021, I knew this was the year for change. I did not know what the change was going to be, then I read Crystal Paine's blog MoneySavingMom's post on her Word of the Year. I don't remember what her word was, but I chose the phrase Follow Through, I posted about it here. I updated a few times monthly here and here., but then being the procrastination Queen I fell off the bandwagon for monthly updates, so here is my mid-year update. 

I did fall off the bandwagon for monthly updates but I did not stop working hard at following through with things I started. One of the projects I have wanted to work on is going to art/craft fairs as a vendor. I have been researching local events and have a few in mind. I have been also working on making a good inventory. Here are a few products I have been working on.

I am trying my hand at many differnt type of crafting with my Silloute Cameo 4 Cutting machine. I have been making a numerouse different styles of wine classes and home decor. I have made a few wedding gifts, baby gifts and birhtday for friends and family. I love having the ablitiy to make personalized gifts. 

The next thing I have been working so hard for is getting my Master's degree in Human Services from the University of Arizona Global Campus and graduation is THIS weekend! WOOT!!! It is all virtual this year. 

I have one more class that I am enrolled in right now. With the sudden employment change, I found myself in November 2020, I changed the last class I am taking. I am enrolled in Grant Writing, which I think will be useful if I am employed by another nonprofit in the future. This class will be done on June 28, 2021, and it will be my last class I ever take in a degree-seeking manner. I love learning but I am ready for this journey to be done. 

My darling husband was kind enough to take a photoshoot of me in my grown, cap and hood. Let me tell you what an adventure learning how to wear the hood properly was. In the packaging, there were instructions with a photo, which was completely useless. Thank God for Youtube.
So in July, I will be searching for a job.

We have been doing a ton of home improvement/remodeling that we have wanted needed to do for years.  We took out all of the carpets in the bedrooms and laid wooden floors. We painted the master bedroom that needed it so badly. We ordered a new bed with drawers and storage underneath the mattress in order to minimalize the furniture in the bedroom. 

Last summer I fell down the basement stairs and broke my ankle, in three different places. The surgeon put in a plate, 7 screws and two pins to hold the bones in place while it healed. The broken bones healed perfectly, but I could feel the plate and pins and my ankle would not reduce in size. My surgeon and I decided it would be best to have all of the hard ware removed, but he thought it would be best to wait until the year mark of the original fall. On Wednesday I had surgery and am recovering quite well. 

In this photo I am in the car on way home from the hospital. 

This is the hardware that spent nearly a year in my ankle bones. It is now three days after surgery and I can take off the bandages and shower normally. 

I can walk on my foot at much as needed. But I was advised to plan to take it easy for the first few days. Since the more I do now the longer it will take to recover completely. Until I looked at these photos I did not relaise how bruised and swollen it is. Back to the couch with ice for me. 

That is all of the major updates for my phrase of the year. How are you doing on your word or phase of the year?


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