2021 Phrase of the Year - Mid Year Update

At the beginning of 2021, I knew this was the year for change. I did not know what the change was going to be, then I read Crystal Paine's blog MoneySavingMom's post on her Word of the Year. I don't remember what her word was, but I chose the phrase Follow Through, I posted about it here. I updated a few times monthly here and here., but then being the procrastination Queen I fell off the bandwagon for monthly updates, so here is my mid-year update. I did fall off the bandwagon for monthly updates but I did not stop working hard at following through with things I started. One of the projects I have wanted to work on is going to art/craft fairs as a vendor. I have been researching local events and have a few in mind. I have been also working on making a good inventory. Here are a few products I have been working on. I am trying my hand at many differnt type of crafting with my Silloute Cameo 4 Cutting machine. I have been making a numerouse different styles of wine classes...