Self Imposed Frugal Challenge

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In Michigan, schools are closed until April 13, 2020, due to the Corona Viris pandemic.  Schools being closed has a huge impact on my family. My oldest son was living in an apartment 1 1/2 hours away from home going to college, my youngest son is a sophomore in our local school district. I work for an university that has sent all of the students home and all the employees are working remotely until May 15, 2020.  My Hubby works at a water plant which is an essential role, so he is still working outside the home. My Gram lives with us and now will have company all day every day, which makes her happy. 

Our lives are turned up-side-down, but if it keeps us all healthy and alive, we will cope with it. It will take some effort on everyone's part. As I am working and go to school mostly online, I need to work at organization. Organizing my time and space. Working from home wasn't planned so I am working on organization while working.  I need to schedule my time so I stay on task and organize my space so I work and study effectively as possible. My desk is in the living room which is not the best place but it is the only place we have room.

We are going to be in the market for a new to us vehicle soon, so I am going to need enough money for a down payment. I figure being in quarantine is as good as time as any to bring back my frugal habits.

Today I have a pork roast in the crockpot with potatoes and carrots. I will work on a schedule to make the most of my time and a meal plan for the next few days with the groceries we have on hand.
What are you doing to save money?


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