Thankful November 2018 day 1 and day 2

Hi folks, It has been a while. Loads of things going on some good and some testing our faith. We believe and have faith that the Lord will see us through the trials of life. I am going to start a series that states my Thankful November. Every day during the month of November I will be doing a post sharing what I am thankful for. Disclaimer: I am busy as a bug so I may have to combine my posts for many days at a time. I will, however, keep track of my thankfulness to share with you all.
Thankful Day #1
I am most thankful for the love and grace the Lord, almighty blesses me with every single day. I am a sinner but he sacrificed his only begotten Son to die for me.

Thankful Day #2
I am most thankful for the health of my wonderful family. I will list each one of them individually later, I am sure. But as a whole, I am so blessed by them. I am so thankful they are all happy and healthy.

The weather is changing here in the Upper Peninsula of Michigan, but I am thankful, not counting it as one of my official days, for safe travels. The photo above was taken crossing the Mackinaw Bridge while on a work trip.

For what are you thankful?


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