Last Week's Frugal Wins and Not so Much
I have really stunk at keeping the blog updated, my apologies. Life has been crazy busy. In February, we packed up my Grandmother's apartment and moved her 5 hours into our home. Things are going very well and my spur of the moment road trips 5 hours away are now none existent, which is the biggest frugal win of the entire year so far. My youngest son was confirmed into the congregation of our church. this is a huge blessing because our beloved pastor is due to retire next month. My son has graduated from High School. We all survived his party, whew so glad to have that done. It was fun to see everyone, but a bit stressful. I graduated with my Bachelor's in Health and Human Services from my online college. Also, I have started my Master's in Public Health. Which all may sound expensive but my employer offers tuition reimbursement. Now for the frugal wins for last week. I put in our 'garden' which consists of a few little rows of green onions, spinach and tw...