A Quick Update

It has been a long time since I gave an update on this blog. Just last week, I decided I needed to get back to my frugal blogging. It has been well over a year since I gave up my paid domain, and I have missed it. I am now working full time and pursuing my Bachelor’s degree online at Ashford University in Health and Human Services. I have 12 more credits to go – YAHOO!! It had been a very quick transformation for my family and me from not working a full-time job for well over 18 years to now mom working full time and being a full-time college student. My family has grown older and more independent, I am so proud of the young men my boys are. My Hubby is now working in the career field that he went to college for over 25 years ago. So we have been through significant changes but are closer than ever as a family. 

I wanted to give a quick update and a few photos of the first snowfall and what the trail camera caught on film. This is the first time we saw this animal in our yard!!

Yes, that is a MOOSE! We have seen them about 10 miles from our house but never ever in our own yard. We are so stinking thrilled by this! This is why we live where we do. God's Country, where God's creatures can move about freely. 

I am planning to work on a menu for the upcoming week, which is something that I have not done in months. 
Comment below if you are still following me. I would love to see who is still out there. 


Honeybunny said…
what... you have snow???? not yet here. we are snow free still. Moose is a cool sighting!!!!
Menu plan... in no order... Roast chicken, garlic butter rice, broc,
chicken pot pie ( or chicken bacon ranch pizza... hummm)
Meat loaf garlic rosemary roast potatoes steamed cauliflower.
Meatballs over egg noodles peas.
Cheese and spinach raviloi with a alfredo sauce salad.
Gwen said…
Hi Honeybunny!
I want to come over to your house for dinner :) Thanks for stopping by for a visit. I hope to post more in the next few days with details of our updates. Stay tuned
Gwen said…
oh yeah also, the snow is all gone now. It is just a wet soupy mucky mud mess now.

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