A Year with Jesus - Book Review

Product Description

A 365-day devotional featuring the actual spoken words of Jesus as presented in the Bible.

Too many times the impact and grandness of the actual words Jesus spoke, as recorded in the Bible, are lost in the telling of the story. In A Year with Jesus, the primary focus is to allow the scriptures that contain Jesus' dialogue to uniquely speak to the reader. The author follows each reading with insights and applications to help explain the context and nuances of the text. The unique titling of each meditation and the nontraditional themes and organization help bring Jesus to our daily lives. Topics include:

Love and Hate
Truths and Lies
Arrogance and Humility
Friends and Enemies
Belief and Disbelief
Patience and Impatience
Deserved and Undeserved
Good and Evil
Fidelity and Treachery
Life and Death

My thoughts:
In today's society, there is so much war, famine and just plain hatred. I like to find books that are good for the soul, lets me know that there is a plan and reason for all things. There are things to look forward to, there is reason to believe in good and things to come.

I have read "A Year with Jesus" through in it's entirety. It is a good read, but more then that, my soul feels fulfilled after putting it down. I will reread this book on a daily basis, one page - one at a time just before I turn off the light at night. It has a way of making me feel peaceful.

I would recommend this book to a friend.

Disclosure of Material Connection: I received this book free from the publisher through the BookSneeze.com book review bloggers program. I was not required to write a positive review. The opinions I have expressed are my own. I am disclosing this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commission's 16 CFR, Part 255 : "Guides Concerning the Use of Endorsements and Testimonials in Advertising.


Honeybunny said…
:) You shoud live closer to me , Really you should. 1 day we will meet. hugs. and I love your review. I will see if my libary carries this one.
Gwen said…
I know, we should be neighbors really. I hope you can find the book, it is a good read.

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