Thoughtful Tuesday

I cannot believe it is May3 already. Spring should feel like it is in the air; but I put my boys on the bus this morning with winter hats and jackets. It was 32 degrees! It is suppose to get up to the low 60s and I hope it does. My yard could use some raking.

We were worried about one of our hens, she had been gone for about 4 days, no sign in the yard of a struggle. On Monday there she was, acting like nothing was wrong. She looks a bit skinny and was really going after the caramel popcorn I was throwing out for them. Then it dawned on me, she had to have a nest she was sitting on some where. I looked and looked, we finally found her and her four eggs. She had picked a nice warm place, in between the bales of hay but it is not safe. So, my darling husband fixed up the dog kennel in the garage for her. She will be safe there. Maybe in 21 days we will have baby chicks, we are not sure of old Black Jack is doing his job or not. In prior years, we let one of our hens sit on the eggs, then took the babies to put them under the heat lamp. This year we are going to let nature take its course and let the hen take care of them.

I wanted to post a photo of what my 4Hers ended up doing at the meeting last week. The plaster molds were dry enough to paint and I think they turned out wonderfully.

The two on the right, my boys painted, the top one by my 8 year old and the bottom by my 11 year old. I love how colorful they are.

Today, I am spending the day studying about food safety. I am taking the ServSafe course on Wednesday. It is a lot of information. Wish me luck on the test.


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