Menu Plan Monday and so Proud of Those Who Wear the Militatry Uniform

Today, I woke up feeling glum and blue and guilty for sleeping in being a slug. I seen my boys and darling husband off to school and work, then went back to bed for 3 hours. Yes, I needed the sleep but do not feel rested, so I am going to change that! Every week day, I am going to get out of bed and stay out of bed at 6am when I get the boys up for school.

Clutter in my home is literally choking, so I have been working on clearing it out of the living room first. I will attack each room one by one.

I also woke up to the wonderful news that Bin Laden is FINALLY dead. I am so proud of each and every American who wore and wears the military uniform. I am also honored to have served right along side them for eight years. Although, it makes me frightened at what retaliation the Americans overseas will be faced with in the near future.

So the plan for this week is very simple, as it is going to be a very busy week.
Monday - stuffed turkey breast in the crock pot
Tuesday - TBA left over turkey
Wednesday - Soup
Thursday - Sloppy Joes for DH. The boys and I will be at a 4H potluck function.
Friday - HM pizza
Saturday - Burgers.

for more yummy meal plans visit orgjunkie


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