Crock pot Wednesday - What's on the menu for Wednesday.

Dining With Debbie

I have a busy day but still want a yummy dinner for my family! This is where my crockpot comes to the rescue! We are having Crock pot Fajitas.

I throw just about any cut steak I can get on sale in the crock-pot with a packet of fajitas mix with water, cook on high for about 4-5 hours or on low for 8-9 hours.

Then I throw in onion and green peppers for about the last 45 minutes of cooking.
Serve with cheese, sour cream, lettuce and tomatoes. I pair these up with a side of rice or re fried beans.

And dinner is done and yummy.

Join us for more yummy meal ideas at Dining with Debbie!


Suzy said…
Well that sounds easy enough and tasty!!
Gwen said…
Suzy, thank you for visiting my blog and leaving a comment. It is nice to know I am not just talking to myself :) I hope you get to try the Fajitas!
Unknown said…
Thanks so much for linking to What's On the Menu Wednesday last week. I really appreciate it and can't wait to give this a hope Spring is headed your way. I am sooooo ready!

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