time for an update and a plan for February 2010

time for an update and a plan for February 2010

ok, lets see, where to begin. The Dfamily and I made it through Christmas and had a WONDERFUL day, season. I did have a couple of Christmas angels. We spent what we could on presents and excepted that.

January, in a nutshell was ok, DH applied for many, many jobs, there are three that would be really GREAT, low pay but in his career field and enjoyable. But we shall see. UI is still keeping us a float along with my two part time jobs, I have been taking every single hour offered to me. Noah's birthday is coming up and we are going to splurge a bit for it. I have kept to NO eating out, no carry away and being frugal to the bone.

So now, my food stamps has went from $382 to $262 a month because I am working, I expected it and will just have to watch that again also. I am going through the steps to apply for a hardship for our mortgage and it is still pending, this will give us a bit of a break for 6 months. I applied for emergency heating assistance yesterday, still waiting on that also. I will update as we hear about things.

Oh my health, I have gained a bit more weight, ugh! I think I have decided to ask my VA doctor for something to help me in this department. It seems like I am fighting a loosing battle. My schooling is going pretty decently. I am fitting studying when I can and have been doing well. I did have to purchase another cd player with a rewind button that actually works. My trail version of Microsoft Office expires on the 31 so I plan to take my next test by then. Then worry about purchasing the actual program, later.

We swore to GF for the month of January and have done really well. Anything that was an extra, was paid by GC from the holidays or non neighiable item, my cd player, a new back pack for Joel, the zipper gave way after fixing it about 14 times.

so the plan for Feb, only spend food stamp amount on food, NO cash, it will be doable.

Take as much food as possible for Noah's birthday celebration, so less on restraunt food.We have all his gifts bought already.

talk to my doc about weight loss help. enjoy the simple things in life. I scheduled 3 4H meetings for the month, we all enjoy them and if we have snack be potluck and simple crafts, the meetings are free fun.

I took my mom shopping to the Dollar Tree and she told me to pick up what I needed, she'd pay for it. So we are set on Valentine cards and suckers for the boys at school. I have cake mixes for treats for parties.

so, with this plan we should be able to make it through February.


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